Revised Phase One
The 2024 PEAK Gateway planning consent brought forward areas and uses of the 1989 Outline Permission as well as variations to the 2008, 2016 and 2019 Reserved Matters consents to deliver an updated Phase One scheme.
Phase One includes 224 keys overnight accommodation, leisure & education facilities, experiential retail, F&B, mobility and energy park. This consent forms the basis of the current development plan.
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Section 1: Land
Current day habitat and wildlife baseline study
Section 2: Revised Phase 1 Planning Applications
The Estate Plan and wider context
The Consenting Authority Plan
The central permitted development area
Revised whole resort masterplan
Design Model, Phase 1
Phase 1 revised and reduced visual impact
Revised traffic impact statement
"The vehicle movements generated by the revised Phase One development when assessed against the pm peak conditions, which represent the worst traffic case (weekday 16:00 - 17:00 hrs) are 62% of what was previously approved. It is an expressed condition of the planning permissions the resort cannot open to day visitors prior to 10am on weekdays.
No additional submissions are therefore required, as the Phase One development’s trip generation is well within the consented traffic movements detailed within the WS Atkins Traffic Impact Assessment"
Inspire Design and Development Traffic and Civils Consultants
Landscaped bund to Unstone village
Click here for further details on Chesterfield’s planning portal or please contact the team if you have any enquiries.
Section 3: Team
Birchall Properties
Lead Contractor (Land Formation)
PEAK Express Trial

SAGE; skills academy for the green economy
To be announced soon
PEAK Express Operator
To be announced soon
Strategic Development Authorities